Lesson 3 - Travel the World with Virtual Field Trips
ASCA Domain 3: Personal/Social Development
Standard A: Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes and inter- personal skills to help them understand and respect self and others.
Competency 1: Acquire Self-knowledge
Indicator 9: Demonstrate cooperative behavior in groups.
Competency 2: Acquire Interpersonal Skills
Indicator 2: Respect alternative points of view.
Standard B: Students will make decisions, set goals and take neces- sary action to achieve goals.
Competency 1: Self-knowledge Application
Indicator 7: Demonstrate a respect and appreciation for individual and cultural differences.
This week we will take a field trip together and suggest some additional trips to take on your own or in groups whenever you like.
Some popular destinations in Second Life include...
2. Catal Hoyuk Archeological reproduction of 20,000 year old civilization
3. The Middle Passage Slave Trading experience
6. NOAA's atmospheric interactive
7. American Chemical Society Museum
8. University of Innsbruck's Green Ideation Quest
9. Mi Casa Spanish language immersion experience
Can you find some others to add to the list?
REMEMBER! If you get lost in World, you can always return to the classroom by clicking your Home button on the world map...
Think • Do • Reflect
The NETs for teachers, standard #1 requires "technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face to face and virtual environments."
Field trips have often been used to facilitate such learning objectives. Virtual field trips are becoming another popular way to engage learners. What benefits do you believe a virtual fieldtrip can offer that even a live one cannot? (Time/Space/Identity)
Try your best to follow the 4 steps below then complete the Reflection exercise and the brief survey at the end...
1. Form groups of 2s or 3s and choose a destination from the list above or from SecondLife.com's Showcase here: http://secondlife.com/whatis/destinationguide/
Everyone will be given Linden dollars to afford the uploading of snapshots from your trip.
2. Offer friendship to each other in the group so you can easily find one another if any should get lost (Make sure everyone in your group knows how to locate friends and offer a teleport. Ask for help if you don't know).
3. Take 30 minutes to visit your chosen destination. Blog your experiences using either the Sloodle HUD or recording on a notecard. Take snapshots of your group in front of something interesting that you can show the class upon your return.
Think about...
• unique features of your destination for learning
• advantages of a virtual site over the real thing
• key benefits for teachers and learners
4. Return to class to report your findings and earn as many points as you are able according to the following Rubric scale:
• 50 Pts: Give a verbal explanation.
• 100 Pts: Rezz a cube and resize it to become a presentation object with 6 surfaces. Place your photo/s on it as textures to show us.
• 250 Pts: Place a notecard inside to be given when touched.
Please use your Moodle blog to comment on the following research-based observation from Chronicle Research Services reporting on what the College of 2020 will look like:
"Students’ convenience is the future. More students will attend classes online, study part time, take courses from multiple universities, and jump in and out of colleges. Students will demand more options for taking courses to make it easier for them to do what they want when they want to do it. And they will make those demands for economic reasons, too. The full-time residential model of higher education is getting too expensive for a larger share of the American population. More and more students are looking for lower-cost alternatives to attending college. The trend toward low-cost options also will open doors for more inexpensive online options."
When you finish with this lesson, please complete the brief Constructivist Online Environment survey: http://www.uniques.com/nau/mod/survey/view.php?id=51
Optional Extras...
* Visit the links below for more Field Trip destinations in SL that would appeal to educators...
References: http://delicious.com/dallasm12/secondlife
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